terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

Corporation Master – Real Money Virtual Economy

Corporation Master – Real Money Virtual Economy (Guide)

Corporation Master – Real Money Virtual Economy (Guide)
Each player from the Corporation Mastercommunity has the opportunity to: work, set up companies, gain military ranks and build their own corporations. 

The road to success in Corporation Master is achieved through a personal strategy and by the help of their Corporation. There is no time limit, some will reach objectives sooner than others. It is important to be present in Corporation Master and develop something that gives you satisfaction in this game. Success is the result of an activity which is based on action and perseverance. In every field of life, those who do not give up will definitely reach all their goals.
Therefore, success in Corporation Master can give you a substantial advantage in real life.
Productivity in Corporation Master

Why is it important to have Productivity in Corporation Master?
  • Depending on the productivity level you receive your wage and work bonuses, also grants you a higher winning percentage in the Arena;
  • Joining a corporation or participating in Wars require you to have at least 100 Productivity Points.

Buy Productivity

Buy Productivity in Corporation Master

Base Productivity can reach up to 700 points. Each productivity point you want to purchase costs 0.4Euro.
Work in Corporation Master
Work places have a 8 hr cooldown period after they have been worked at.
The workplaces displayed are the ones where the owner has enough money and raw materials to pay YOU.
You can only work at the highest paying workplace.
Your wage will be calculated according to your Productivity by the following formula: Final Productivity * Wage. For each day of work you will receive the wage in local currency (CMC) and 1 Productivity Point. If you work day by day, it will grow up.
After 3 consecutive days of work you will also receive The Work Bonus from The Government calculated the following formula: Base Productivity * Work Bonus.
You can work anytime in the 24 hour interval between 00:00 and 00:00 Server Time!

Create Companies
Create Companies in Corporation Master
Opening a new company costs 10 Euro, but you will receive a license valid for 90 days and you will receive one workplace.
Workplace number 2 costs 1 Euro, each additional workplace will cost 0.5 Euro more than the previous, Workplace number 10 Costs 5 Euro.
A company can have a maximum of 10 Workplaces.
Note: You can only have one Hemp Company per account!
Currency Exchange
Currency Exchange in Corporation Master
Here you can exchange your virtual currency.
Conversion rates: 1Euro = 10 Gold, 1 Gold = 10 CMC

Market in Corporation Master
The company owner pays a 5% tax for selling products on the Global Market. These taxes are paid in CMC, and they are distributed to the Government Fund.
Hemp is used as raw material for clothing and corporate bonds companies.
The Business suit is needed to enter the arena and war. Without a suit you will never become a Corporation Master. You can only have one business suit at a time and it lasts for 30 days after purchase.
Corporate bonds are used in war as “weapons”. Each attack will use up one corporate bond.

The arena resets every day at 18:00 server time (GMT).
Conditions to take part in the arena: a business suit and a minimum of 10 productivity points. You can only attack a player if the difference between arena points is more than half. You can only attack a player one time every 24 hours.
Each day you can attack up to 5 times, with a 10 minute cooldown period between attacks.
If you have less than 5 arena points you can only attack the trainer, which will give you 1 arena point.
Whenever you defeat someone in the arena you will receive from 1 up to 5 arena points. Each rank in the arena gives you a bonus to your base productivity and bonus influence points in the war.
The Wining Ods are calculated by the difference in arena points (max 90%) plus a maximum of 20% is awarded based on Your Base Productivity Points. What YOU see in the arena is Your Winning Ods to beat other players, not the other way around.
The arena resets every day at 18:00 server time (GMT).

A Corporation is a “guild” where up to 20 players can sign up, depending on the Corporation level (tier levels from 1 to 10).
Each tier gives 2% extra productivity and 1% extra influence points in the war section.
Only the leader can distribute the money inside the corporation, and only the leader can upgrade the corporation.
There will be a special market that only corporation members can see it, where players can put items for sale for their fellow members.
There is no selling tax on this market, so corporation members can sell items between them free of charge from the government.
All participating corporations at the war system will get percent(%) of the corporation fund based on how much influence they had and then divided between members of that corporation based on each players contribution accumulated in their stay at the corporation.

Create Corporations
Create Corporations in Corporation Master
Opening a new Corporation costs 10 Euro. Default upgrade Tier LVL 1 valid for 30 days.

Corporations RANK and BONUSES
Corporations RANK and BONUSES in Corporation Master
For a whole week there will be a Server clash between corporation. Anyone who is a member of a Corporation can join the WAR.
In order to join the WAR you will need 100 Productivity points, a business suit, at least 1 corporation bond and be a member of a Corporation. Each attack will give you 1000 base influence points plus the percentage form the corporation and arena influence bonus.
The War fund is supplemented each day at 00:00 (GMT) with 10% of the Government Fund.
The Corporation with the highest influence points will receive an extra 10% percent, the total damage dealt will be distributed 80% between all the participating Corporations this week in the War.
At the end of the War the leader of the corporation receives te spoils and can then distribute the funds accumulated from the war.

1 comentário:

  1. Good
